This course is designed for novice or young hunters, ages 9 years and above. The course covers the core competencies of firearm and hunting safety, hunting ethics and wildlife conservation. All materials are provided. The Hunter Education Classroom Course lasts a maximum of 6 hours of classroom instruction. This time does not include registration, breaks, test administration and certification card distribution. Courses are offered across the state year round and are taught by certified volunteer instructors.
The fee for the certification is $15. Some instructors may apply additional charges for the class, such as range or facility fees. Pre-registration is required. Check with the instructor for directions and any special instructions prior to going to class.
Be sure to verify with the instructor that the class you are registering for is the Classroom Course.You may also contact your local Texas Parks & Wildlife Department office or call TPWD Austin headquarters at 1-800-792-1112, ext. 4999.

You don’t need to bring anything to class but your desire to learn.
Cabela’s and Texas Training Crew will provide everything needed in the classroom.
Please leave at home all electronics, firearms, ammunition, bows, knives, etc. Anything that might be a distraction to you or others is not needed in the classroom.
You will receive as a student your own set of classroom materials that will be yours to keep and take home for reference materials.
Pen’s, Pencil’s and everything else will be provided.
** For information on Firearms, Ammunition and Bows in the classroom please see elsewhere in this FAQs under CLASSROOM the policies on Firearms, Ammunition, etc.

When you arrive at Cabela’s you may ask the door greeter to provide you directions to the Hunter Education Class and they will be happy to assist you with finding the conference room where class will be conducted.
The classroom will be located in the North East corner of the Cabela’s store. From the greeter’s station turn left and head east towards the check out area. At the end of the check out area you will find a room to the left with a large wooden sliding door. This room will be the conference room and will be our classroom for the TPWD Hunter Education class.
If you have trouble finding the classroom reach out to ANY Cabela’s employee or inquire at the customer service desk and they will happily help you locate the conference room / classroom.
All parents/guardians of students under 17 years of age, MUST accompany their student to the classroom and must be present at sign-in to fill out state required paperwork.

Lunch and the cost of lunch is not included with the TPWD Hunter Education Course. 45 minutes will be allotted for lunch. There are many food service vendors in the immediate area surrounding Cabela’s, Allen, TX.
Students are allowed and encouraged to bring their own lunch if they wish.
Students that are adults or escorted by a parent/guardian may leave the classroom to obtain lunch offsite but lunch will be scheduled for 45 minutes so as to keep the class on schedule.
Class will begin promptly after the allocated 45 minutes for lunch.
Students may bring their lunch back to Cabela’s and may eat their lunch in the classroom.
For a list of food providers around Cabela’s – CLICK HERE
The cost of the TPWD Hunter Education course is $15.00 as outlined by statue and the State of Texas.
The minimum age for a student to be certified as “Hunter Education Certified” is 9 years of age.
Student MUST be 9 years of age on or before the date of the class.
Classes and certifications CANNOT be post dated.

As stated the minimum age for certification is 9 years old. That being said TPWD and Training CREW recommend that Parents and/or Guardians of students not classified as teenagers attend the course with their children/students.
Cabela’s, TPWD and Training CREW view Hunter Education as an investment into the safety of the student as step in becoming a safe hunter.
We feel it is important that parents / guardians fully understand what information is being presented to their children / students so that after the class they can discuss the information further to help provide the safest hunter possible.

At Texas Training CREW we welcome all Adaptive Students as well as those with learning challenges.
As long as we can work with a student who has a positive attitude and a desire to learn we will take all the measures within reason to ensure that no one will not pass the course due to Adaptive or learning challenges.

As an Instructor with dyslexia I fully understand and relate to those with dyslexia and other reading problems as well as the challenges they face in the classroom. I pride myself by understanding these issues and working with students to overcome these problems in the classroom without attracting the attention of other students as I know how frustrating test taking can be. – Lindsay Hodgdon, Instructor
Training CREW and its members take great pride in providing the best in Adaptive Firearms Safety Training in the Nation.
We look forward to working with all Adaptive or learning challenged individuals that want to learn and expand their knowledge regarding Hunting, Firearms Safety and the outdoors.

If you have questions or wish to talk to our instructors some of whom are Adaptive themselves please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
As an Adaptive Shooter myself the road to becoming an Instructor was challenging but rewarding. It is my pleasure to be part of the Training CREW so that I can instruct others that might have challenges in Firearms Safety training and personal protection. – Ken Carden – Instructor
The cost of the TPWD Hunter Education course is $15.00 as outlined by statue and the State of Texas.
At the moment the only payment option is to pay in the classroom at start of class.
Below is listed the forms of payment we accept
** If paying by Check or Money Order please do not fill in payable to information until you come to the classroom we will have that information at that time.
*** Credit/Debit cards will be accepted with an additional $1.00 convenience fee.
In short the State of Texas has taken over registration and to register one must do that from the Texas Parks & Wildlife Departments online registration system.
Once you register we receive notification of your registration and your slot in the class is secured.
There will be NO live firearms in the classroom.
All training will be conducted using specifically designed training firearms that will not shoot. Training CREW will provide all the training aids necessary for training we ask that you please do not bring any personal firearms to class or in the classroom.

This policy applies to State of Texas “License To Carry” (LTC) holders as well as to Law Enforcement (LEO) unless in uniform and on duty.
If you bring personal firearms to class you will be asked to remove them to your personal vehicle and not be allowed to bring them into the classroom.
There is NO live ammunition allowed in the classroom at any time.

No ammunition in classroom policy includes those licensed by the State of Texas as “License To Carry” and Law Enforcement officers unless in uniform and on duty.

All ammunition for the class will be “dummy” rounds and will be provided by the Training CREW.
Please do not bring live ammunition into the classroom. If you should bring live ammunition into the classroom you will be asked to remove it to your personal vehicle.

At Texas Training CREW we welcome all Adaptive Students as well as those with learning challenges.
As long as we can work with a student who has a positive attitude and a desire to learn we will take all the measures within reason to ensure that no one will not pass the course due to Adaptive or learning challenges.

As an Instructor with dyslexia I fully understand and relate to those with dyslexia and other reading problems as well as the challenges they face in the classroom. I pride myself by understanding these issues and working with students to overcome these problems in the classroom without attracting the attention of other students as I know how frustrating test taking can be. – Lindsay Hodgdon, Instructor
Training CREW and its members take great pride in providing the best in Adaptive Firearms Safety Training in the Nation.
We look forward to working with all Adaptive or learning challenged individuals that want to learn and expand their knowledge regarding Hunting, Firearms Safety and the outdoors.

If you have questions or wish to talk to our instructors some of whom are Adaptive themselves please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
As an Adaptive Shooter myself the road to becoming an Instructor was challenging but rewarding. It is my pleasure to be part of the Training CREW so that I can instruct others that might have challenges in Firearms Safety training and personal protection. – Ken Carden – Instructor

Training CREW and Texas Training CREW are a group of dedicated Instructors that provide professional safety training with an emphasis on Firearms Safety Training, Hunter Education, First Aid/AED/CPR and Personal Protection.
The Training CREW website may be found HERE
Training CREW is available for training at other locations than just Cabela’s
Training CREW and its members provide training in the following areas:
Texas Parks & Wildlife Department training
TPWD Hunter Education Certification training
TPWD Bow Hunter Education training
TPWD Tree Stand Education training
TPWD Angular Education training
TPWD Boater Education training
NRA training
NRA Basic Pistol

At Texas Training CREW we welcome all Adaptive Students as well as those with learning challenges.
As long as we can work with a student who has a positive attitude and a desire to learn we will take all the measures within reason to ensure that no one will not pass the course due to Adaptive or learning challenges.

As an Instructor with dyslexia I fully understand and relate to those with dyslexia and other reading problems as well as the challenges they face in the classroom. I pride myself by understanding these issues and working with students to overcome these problems in the classroom without attracting the attention of other students as I know how frustrating test taking can be. – Lindsay Hodgdon, Instructor
Training CREW and its members take great pride in providing the best in Adaptive Firearms Safety Training in the Nation.
We look forward to working with all Adaptive or learning challenged individuals that want to learn and expand their knowledge regarding Hunting, Firearms Safety and the outdoors.

If you have questions or wish to talk to our instructors some of whom are Adaptive themselves please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
As an Adaptive Shooter myself the road to becoming an Instructor was challenging but rewarding. It is my pleasure to be part of the Training CREW so that I can instruct others that might have challenges in Firearms Safety training and personal protection. – Ken Carden – Instructor

You may find all the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department (TPWD) Hunting Rules, Regulations as well as information and rules and regulations on Fishing, Trapping and other outdoor activities regulated by TPWD are also found in their yearly publication titled “OUTDOOR ANNUAL”
The TPWD OUTDOOR ANNUAL is available for review online or for download – HERE.

The TPWD OUTDOOR ANNUAL is also available as an app for both iPhone and Android – more information is available – HERE.
The TPWD OUTDOOR ANNUAL is also available in print at Cabela’s and other fine retailers that sell Texas Hunting Licenses.
It is recommended that anyone Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, etc., obtain and review a copy of the TPWD OUTDOOR ANNUAL as this is the document that the game wardens are going to hold you accountable for the information contained therein.

Click HERE to be taken directly to the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department FAQ page.
The minimum age for a student to be certified as “Hunter Education Certified” is 9 years of age.
Student MUST be 9 years of age on or before the date of the class.
Classes and certifications CANNOT be post dated.
Hunter Education Certification is a legal status governed by legal statute. Therefore, a student seeking Hunter Education Certification MUST be 9 years of age on or before the physical date of the Hunter Education course.
If a student has a birthday one day or more after the completion of the course they are NOT eligible for Hunter Education Certification and there are no exceptions to this rule.
Please do not ask for an exception or variance on this policy.
Anyone who hunts in Texas and was born on or after September 2, 1971. (Other states have different age requirements. You must check with them to find out what they are).
For Example: Colorado and Kansas, EVERYONE who hunts regardless of age MUST have Hunter Education Certification.
Anyone who hunts on Federal Land ( Grasslands – Corp of Engineer Land – etc… ) regardless of age MUST have Hunter Education Certification.
Not as long as he/she is under the direct control and supervision of an adult.
At age 17 he/she is required to successfully complete a Hunter Education Certification course.
Direct control and supervision means they are hunting with in a few feet of the adult the entire time. Generally within normal voice talking distance.
It is the responsibility of the adult hunter to check with their local game warden for clarification of “Direct Control” – you do not want to get a ticket for this rule.
More information may be found in the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department – Outdoor Annual – Located HERE
If in doubt – why not just become Hunter Education Certified hunter?
All States in the union recognize and accept Texas Hunter Education Certification
Canada and many other jurisdictions also accept Texas Hunter Education Certification
If traveling to regions to hunt that you are unfamiliar with it is recommended that you review that regions rules and regulations before arriving to hunt.

How do I replace my Hunter Education Certificate if I’ve lost it or it has been damaged?
For Texas Hunters that successfully completed a Texas Hunter Education course and received their certification – To replace a lost, destroyed, or damaged Hunter Education Certificate/Card, go to
For those who received their Hunter Education in another state and not in Texas, all states have an online method of replacing a lost, destroyed, or damaged Hunter Education Certificate/Card. Search out the agency that governs Hunter Education in the state with which you initially received your Hunter Education credentials and go to that state’s website for more information.